
P6 Jabs
Functional characterization of localization and interactions 
of the Golgi-resident membrane protein LYSET


We aim to understand i) if proteins other than GNPT are regulated by LYSET, ii) how LYSET is retained in the Golgi apparatus, and iii) whether posttranslational modifications such as e.g. methylation play a role in LYSET retention and interaction.


Aim i)   Identification of other LYSET clients

Aim ii)  Retention of LYSET in the Golgi apparatus

Aim iii) Furthermore, putative methylation sites will be identified by mutagenesis of arginine residues and IP              using methyl-arginine specific antibodies


Functional characterization of localization and interactions of the Golgi-resident membrane protein LYSET A) GOLPH3/3L deficiency results in loss of LYSET from the Golgi apparatus, GNPT degradation and lysosomal dysfunction; B) consequences of interrupting GOLPH3/3L-LYSET interaction by posttranslational modifications (PTMs), e.g. dimethylation (Me2); C) consequences of inhibiting GNPT-LYSET interaction by PTMs. 

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