

Within the RTG-ReMPro, we aim to study the posttranslational regulation of membrane proteins in two closely connected research topics


(1) Shaping and removal of membrane proteins by irreversible proteolytic processes. 

(2) Reversible regulation of membrane proteins by protein interactions and other posttranslational modifications.  

P1 Becker-Pauly
Regulated ectodomain shedding of the polymeric immunoglobulin receptor (pIgR) in a multiprotein membrane tethered complex 

P2 Saftig & Wolf
Regulating the Alzheimer membrane protease BACE1 
by targeted protein degradation

P3 Theilig
O-GlcNAcylation and regulated proteolysis of proximal tubular LRP2/megalin linking cellular micro-and macropinocytosis with 
chronic kidney disease

P4 Bleich
The role of proteolytic cleavage of claudin-7 and the associated protein EpCAM in murine collecting duct function in health and disease

P5 Baukrowitz
Regulation of THIK-1 K+ homo- and heterodimeric channels 
by proteolytic processing and membrane phosphoinositides 

P6 Jabs
Functional characterization of localization and interactions 
of the Golgi-resident membrane protein LYSET

P7 Damme
Functional and regulatory effect of posttranslational modifications 
on the frontotemporal lobar degeneration risk factor TMEM106B

P8 Panáková
Elucidating the Prickle-dependent and independent protein-protein 
interactions of the membrane protein Vangl2 in myoblasts and in 
developing heart muscle cells

P9 Hu
Coordination and modulation of membrane transport activity 
in calcifying cells of the sea urchin larva

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